Sunday, February 24, 2008

What kind of writer was Jacques Ferron?

Click on the link and then watch the video clip and answer the following questions:

What American Southern writer did he admire?

What kind of writer was Jacques Ferron?

What types of works did he write?


Kari Beote said...

Jacques Ferron admired William Faulkner.
Ferron wrote many essays; he also wrote poetry, short stories, plays, and novels/novellas.

Unknown said...

Can I just say that I am very impressed that Kari has posted an answer to this question? I had the hardest time trying to decipher exactly what was being said in the radio clip. I don't know if it was because of the Quebecan french or the fact that I couldn't actually see the people who were talking...or maybe I was just being lazy!

Michelle said...

I agree with Afua this was a hard one. I couldnt understand the clips either. I couldnt find the info that we were supposed to be looking for.

Unknown said...

I'm sure this comes as a surprise, but these are extremely hard to understand, obviously Ferron was a very admired and well respected author and still is today.